Present Perfect specializes in nonfiction. We do not represent fiction, and we are not taking on new children’s book clients at this time.
We prioritize submissions from authors and artists who are historically underrepresented in publishing: authors from diverse backgrounds and cultures, queer authors, disabled authors, women, and anyone living at the intersection of these identities.
Our initiative “Present Perfect for Black Authors” is ongoing.
Before submitting, please read our bios and choose one of us to query.
We welcome full proposal submissions. If you do not have a full proposal, please submit the following: a query letter explaining the hook of your idea, your author bio with specifics about your platform and audience, as well as sample excerpts from your book. If your project has a visual element, you MUST include sample artwork in your pitch.
We consider all submissions thoughtfully, but are not able to respond to every query. If we are interested in your project, we will get back to you within six weeks. If you do not hear from us, please know we appreciate you thinking of us and wish you the best of luck with your work.